Monday 19 September 2016

Of Justin and Hillary

Further to the previous post...

I think Alan at Biased BBC has a point about Justin Webb's latest Times piece being delusional and that Justin is behaving like he did on Today in the immediate aftermath of the Boston bombing. 

This "bomb" is a sign of hatred only the hearts of certain Muslim immigrants to the US against the US. It has nothing to do with Trump. 

The comments below the line at Justin's Times article suggest that many a Times reader feels the same way. The general view is that Justin is talking complete rubbish.


Talking of Donald Trump by the way, I did spot that the BBC's main online article on the Chelsea, Manhattan bombing seemed keen to score a political point by emphasising that the Donald had said that the attack was "a bomb" before the police had said as much, and contrasted that to Hillary's caution in that regard. 

See here, as Newsniffer shows how changed to make it sound even worse for the Donald:
Speaking at a rally in Colorado as news of the explosion were coming in, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump told supporters that a "bomb" had gone off.
Speaking at a rally in Colorado as news of the explosion was coming in, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump told supporters that a "bomb" had gone off.
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton told reporters she had been in touch with New York officials.
"Obviously we need to do everything we can to support our first responders and pray for the victims," she said.
"I'll have more to say about it when we actually know the facts," she added.
Speaking at a rally in Colorado before police had commented on the cause of the blast, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump told supporters that a "bomb" had gone off.
Curiously, the many 'viral' videos of Hillary also calling it a "bombing" before - at a reporter's prompting - denouncing Donald Trump for saying it was a "bomb" - doesn't seem to have caught the BBC's imagination for some reason, despite it surely being worthy of savage satirical mockery on both Have I Got News For You and The News Quiz. 

1 comment:

  1. To be fair, BBC journalists and researchers are well known not to do their homework and to run with any old selectively edited video that supports their world view. They may not know the facts at all, and can't be bothered to find out. In fact, my first contribution to B-BBC was about just that ("Don't tase me, bro.")


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