Friday 11 October 2013

The Bodybuilder and the Asian.

Search the BBC website for  ‘antisemitic video” and all you get is John Galliano, the drunken popinjay from the House of Dior. 

But everywhere else on the interweb and in the MSM you get the tale of the Jewish wedding video containing audio that inadvertently reveals the ‘accident-prone’ cameraman sucking up to his ‘Asian’ assistant by making stereotypical anti-Jewish snipes about their clients.

Claudia and Stan Gocman on their wedding day

The video failed to capture any happy memories for the bride, but it did capture the cameraman’s self-pitying incompetence.  The assistant sounds even dumber than the bodybuilder.
The whole thing is Pinteresque. Funny that the BBC hasn’t noticed it yet.

“I’ll put this by the car and go and get the van. It’s big money for photography but not for videos, see. Probably about fucking three and a half grand for photography or fucking five grand. How many photographers you see? Fucking three I saw or four. Yeah” 

complains the bodybuilder. His disgruntled manner from the outset intimates that this will not end well. 

“I saw, yeah, more than that.” agrees the Asian.

“So you know with the video they just fucking throw it in the bin. Got one or two nice shots. Not a very attractive bride at all. Fucking hell some of the Jewish girls are very pretty aren’t they?” 

ventures the bodybuilder, not quite sure how that will go down with the Asian.

“You couldn’t see her face”  came the retort.

“I could see it. Some of the Jewish women are very beautiful to watch...look at, but I can tell you they’ll be right fucking cows”  


So all that sucking up has fallen on deaf ears. The bodybuilder decides to up the ante…

“They’ll be very beautiful to look at but I can tell you they’ll be right cows. I reckon. Very fucking snooty. They’d be very pain-in-the-arse. Women. Nice to look at”   

“I don’t like these people, I don’t know I can see in their negative sense.” 

English may not be the Asian’s first language.

“Me too. They’re very... I like, er, like they’re better than everybody else because they’re from Israel. Or something.  There’s no niceness about them, is there.?


“Six hundred quid for a video. This is the kind of people that you shoot for six hundred quid and they say it’s not very good. It’s like. It just fucking winds me up.”

… he may have half realised they have a point that it’s not very good; flailing a bit.

“And, like, mine too the meanest people in the world right now.....”. 

the Asian is perking up!

“That’s what they say. Jewish, you know. Jewish people er Jewish You know what I mean.
And when someone pays you a lot of money you feel like you wanna work hard for them don’t you? When they don’t, you don’t fucking, you don’t take it seriously.
Course if you’ve got no money in the bank you can’t respect anyone financially any way.
They’ve never been respected anyway, these people, and they’ve never respected themselves. They have never. In their life.”

“..... Israeli dancing is this?  There’s a real feeling they think they’re better than everybody else.  All of us.”

the bodybuilder

“Mr Aurelius has now told us he believes that the couple spoke out because they wanted to punish him.” 

How very dare they!

“They want to attack me. It’s very upsetting, I’m sorry that they’re doing this. I’ve said I’m sorry and have refunded them,” he said.“What’s worse, what they’ve done - or a quiet conversation between me and my partner?”The experience, he said, has put him off filming weddings for life. His company, Raising Awareness Productions, ceased trading in August.

Poor him. Nothing to do with his inability to make videos then.

Mr Aurelius, who is not married, said he is remorseful about the comments made about Jews: “I’ve thought about it in depth. They’ve definitely got a stronger manner about them, but they’re still human beings, so they’re no different to all of us.“Their culture is stronger, because of what happened in the war. They’re stronger as a result of the punishment they went through – they’ve gone on to grow up because of it.”Mr Aurelius, a former vegan karate champion, from West Sussex, said his dietary habits over the past six years reflect his kinder persona: “I’m a vegan and that’s really important to me. It’s something I’m good at. I love animals – I grew up with a dog.”

I. Grew. Up. With. A. Dog.

1 comment:

  1. It's a story that has made headlines around the world.

    It's been reported in Australia's 'Herald Sun', the 'Washington Times', 'Gawker', the 'Jerusalem Post', etc, and here by the Times, Telegraph, Mail, Mirror, Huffington Post and Evening Standard.

    Not by the BBC website though.


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